Acute Care Hospitals

Replacement Hospitals, Large Expansions, Master Plans


Complex multi-phased renovation projects

Outpatient Clinics

Specialty Clinics, Ambulatory Surgery Clinics, Wellness Clinics


  • "Marcus and I had the pleasure of working together on a major reconstruction project. He is extremely creative and talented. What I enjoy most about him...he is an avid listener...a vital attribute when working with multiple stakeholders."

    Jacqueline Saucier - Scripps Mercy Hospital, CNO

  • "Mr. Thorne is without a doubt one of the finest individuals that I have had the privilege to work with. With a diverse group of stakeholders, including the end user, Mr. Thorne clearly demonstrated organizational and teamwork skills to keep our group on task, capturing the voiced concerns and defining requirements on paper, to provide the end user with suitable options to meet our end goal. We never left the table unhappy or uncertain about what we had accomplished."

    LCDR Angela M. Webster-Navy Medicine West, Officer in Charge, Det Camp Pendleton

  • "Marcus consistently demonstrated an ability to establish and maintain a close and trusting relationship with the client team. His leadership of both the client and the design team showed an ability to respond to the needs of his teams, but at the same time meet the budget and time demands of the project. He was highly respected by his colleagues at HDR and his clients for both his technical ability, but also his interpersonal skills."

    Steven J. Goe, Senior Vice President/Healthcare Principal HDR